Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Made-Up Words - Part II

Here's another five words for you to enjoy:

Plodsnosher - An offensive term a person says to another person who has tripped them, or has caused that person to stumble in some way, shape, or form.

Clariscathe - An ability to present one's opinions without any biased views or principles.

Rit, Ritting - Jotting down notes from a textbook or another source of reference.

Baddalooshie - Meaning of unknown origin and possessor of unique traits/skills.

Neglositon - The opposite of phlogiston. (Phogliston is believed to be truth in a visible form.)

Those are all the words for today! Also, special thanks to Squeaks for thisthis post! Until I have another salleradious!


Jake said...

I think (being?) clariscathe is quite hard. :O

Mackenzie A. Lockhart said...

I have one suggestion for Derek, Plodsnosher sounds more like a verb than an exclamation; perhaps you could change it to sound like: Plodsnosh! The added -er makes it sound like it's something you're doing.

I love the rest of the words though :P I particularly like baddalooshie

Dwibble said...

I made the word plodsnosher sound like it was a decendant of the term 'eavesdropper'. That's why I had the added -er at the end of it.

Mackenzie A. Lockhart said...

Aah...I see! That makes sense now :P I thought it was an exclamation that someone would say...kind of like:

"Oh plodsnosher! Why did you do that!"

but now I get's supposed to be:

"You're such a plodsnosher! Why can't be less clumsy!"

XD pardon my misunderstanding :P


Dwibble said...

It's OK, Squeaks. We all mess up. :) Although, maybe I should give example sentences to make the meaning more clear...hmmm...